Back On Track : Quèsaco ?

Back On Track: Quèsaco?

Back On Track is THE reference brand for horse owners looking for items that help take care of your horse's joints and muscles .

The particularity of BOT is to offer articles made of ceramic textile .

How can ceramic textile help my horse?

Well you will be surprised, because ceramic gives the fabric its unique property, namely the reflection of body heat in the form of infrared heat radiation , which increases blood circulation thus helping to relieve muscle tension and improve performance .

The star Back On Track items are obviously the back warmers , but what is the difference between the Back Warmer and the Back Warmer Royal?

The Back Warmer is made of Welltex® material (polypropylene impregnated with ceramic particles) . It optimally covers all the muscles of the back, lumbar and kidneys . It has a removable velcro along the entire length of the back so it can be placed under a blanket.

The Back Warmer Royal has an anatomical shape. It consists of an outer shell of cotton and an inner side of Welltex® material

No more doubts, let's go take care of your Chouchou's joints and muscles thanks to the wide choice of Back On Track products!