Your Seeds of Love! 🥕
You have just received a package from Amour by Ohlala and, oh surprise, a cute little pouch has slipped into your order. 🔥 
You will thus discover some carrot seeds to plant to thank you for your trust and, with a little patience, to please your favorite companion. 🐴 
Not a green thumb? No problem !! If WE were able to grow them, we can assure you that you can too. 🤫
Use a pot, filled with fine soil, and if possible enriched with coffee grounds or manure (this is normally quite easy to find when you are a cavalier!).
Dig a furrow about 1cm deep in which you will lovingly place your small seeds (soon to be large) then cover them with soil! 🥕 
Don't forget to water the soil regularly until the carrots emerge... Three short weeks of patience and TADAM here is the long-awaited result which is starting to appear 👃 
Your goal? Once your carrots are around 10cm, leave only one carrot every 10cm in your furrows so that they can grow as best as possible. You can absolutely give the “young” carrots harvested in this way to Petit Tonnerre! 🍽
Full of Love ♥️

Don’t hesitate to share your gardening exploits on Insta by mentioning us (@ohlalasellerie)

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