Ungula Naturalis : Pas de pied, pas de cheval !

Ungula Naturalis: No foot, no horse!

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“No foot, no horse” This is the credo of our new hoof care brand Ungula Naturalis.

Ungula Naturalis is a brand producing 100% natural care. Between specific treatments, traditional ointments and specific ointments , there is something for all types of hooves and all needs !

No Norwegian tar, no acids, no bay leaf and no stabilizers !

The oils used are essential oils with a much greater contribution than bay leaf essential oil . Efficiency is thus much better !

Norwegian tar dries and soothes the horn, however Ungula Naturalis prefers to provide hydration to the hoof and use vegetable oils to sanitize the horn without hardening it.

The absence of stabilizers in Ungula Naturalis products allows more effective penetration of the product into the horn. A clever mix of solid and liquid materials provides a perfect balance depending on the seasons and the needs of your horse's foot. This is also why the brand offers a very broad range in order to best adapt care for all horses.

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