Que mettre dans la trousse à pharmacie de son cheval ? 🐴 👩🏽‍⚕️

What to put in your horse's first aid kit? 🐴 👩🏽‍⚕️

Having a horse also means dealing with little daily ailments!🙈 We don't always know what to bring with you to deal with as many situations as possible... So today, we have prepared a little list for you to try to answer all your questions and fill your first aid kit for good 😇
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Having a horse also means dealing with little daily ailments!🙈 We don't always know what to bring with you to deal with as many situations as possible... So today, we have prepared a little list for you to try to answer all your questions and fill your first aid kit for good 😇

Disinfectants and skin care 🌿


We simply start by filling our kit with the essentials that should always be nearby! Disinfectant, healing cream, sunscreen, soaps for wounds... Horses quickly get a little sore following a bite or a false movement for example 🐴

We therefore equip ourselves:

🌿 A wound soap to clean the wound as much as possible and limit the risk of infections: Savonil 500ml - Alliance Equine

🌿 A disinfectant spray to act quickly and kill bacteria: First Aid 200ml - Leovet

🌿 An antiseptic and antifungal: Povidone Solution - Horse Master

🌿 A healing cream to promote hair regrowth and repair the injury: Lesion 50ml - Nacricare

🌿 An antiseptic bomb to dry wounds: Septiject - Ekkia

🌿 Vaseline to protect the skin: Event Gel 2L - Veredus

🌿 Sun cream to limit sunburn and UV damage: Sun Protec - Ravene

🌿 Cotton gauze to protect an area and keep it dry: Cotton gauze - Horse Master

🌿 Antiseptic compresses to clean wounds and make dressings: Naturalintx - NAF

In pharmacies, you can also buy:

✅ Sterile compresses

✅ Cottons & Gauzes

✅ Tick tweezers

✅ Thermometer

Hoof and foot care 💕


No feet, no horse! We all know this little quote which is so explicit when our horse has its first abscess or damaged frog...👩🏽‍⚕️

Fortunately, there are plenty of products to protect against risks and treat quickly ❤️

To do this, we advise you to add to your pharmacy:

💕 Hoof tap which will relieve the horse and prevent sole infections: Hoof tap - Kentucky

💕 Adhesive tape to prevent iron from falling or for other problems: Tesa Tape - Kentucky

💕 Blonde ointment to protect the foot and deeply nourish the hoof: Hoof grease - Kevin Bacon's

💕 A care boot that will relieve the foot and guarantee perfect hygiene, recommended for abscesses: Davis Horse Boot - Horse Master

💕 A cleaning spray to destroy bacteria and clean cracks: Disinfectant spray - Red Horse

For their members...🌼

Forelimbs of a horse, application of marine clay

The limbs are very stressed in horses and when the ground is hard or deep, this can cause lesions, tendinitis or rots 👀

To limit injuries, or on the contrary treat them, clay, care gels and other products should be known ❤️

To add to your first aid kit and daily care, we also have:

🌼. A cooling gel that limits the heating of the tendons thanks to arnica, mint or even aloe vera: Cooling gel - Equinatura

🌼. A pot of clay, whether for the limbs or for the body, it reduces inflammation, edema and relieves pain: Must Have - Alodis Care

🌼. A cohesive bandage to treat wounds and protect them: Flex-wrap - Hippotonic

And finally, the essentials...🌸

Chestnut horse enjoying the care of his rider

There are many pathologies in horses and certain products will be dedicated to them, such as for example in the case of navicular damage...✨

We still had a few articles left to advise you, which will be of great use to you in the event of a problem:

🌸 A muzzle basket, to ration the horse in case of colic or diets, it allows you to graze and drink all the same: Muzzle basket - Imperial Riding

🌸 Eye serum to cleanse impurities and limit possible swelling: Clin d’oeil - Compagnons & Cie

🌸 An oral syringe to train the horse to take dewormer or to ensure the oral intake of medication: Dosing oral syringe - Ekkia

We have finished with our “small” list of essential products to fill your first aid kit! 👩🏽‍⚕️

If you have products to add, advice or feedback to give us, do not hesitate to write to us 😍

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