METTRE DE L'ARGILE À MON CHEVAL, le soigner avec de la terre ? 🧐

PUT CLAY ON MY HORSE, treat him with dirt? 🧐


Taking care of my horse also means putting clay on it from time to time... Yes, but when, where, how, why? Don't worry , a few lines of reading and you are the kings of earthing! 👑

1. What is it for? 🧐

Clay is a natural product which will help the horse's tendons and muscles to rest 💤, regenerate 💪 and which therefore easily accompanies your more or less regular practice 🏋️‍♂️

2. Where do I put it? 🧭

More or less EVERYWHERE (except in the mucous membranes of course)! Indeed, if you want to give a "I'm better" shot to your protégé's back, limbs, or even feet, you will always find the clay that suits you best!

3. How to put it on/take it off and how often? 💦

GOOD NEWS : installation is as simple as removal! 😌

PUT IT ON? To apply the clay, simply define the area you wish to treat and clean it perfectly . Then take a little product in your hand, applying it against the grain in a very thin layer . Once this first pass is made, a second will be done in a slightly thicker layer , in the direction of the hair this time, and then that's it!

HOW LONG SHOULD YOU LEAVE IT ON? Overall, it is advisable to leave the product on for between 1 and 24 hours . Clearly, as soon as the clay is perfectly dry , it is then possible to remove it, because it will have finished working. It is advisable not to leave perfectly dry clay for too long so that the treatment is as effective as possible .

REMOVE IT? Again, easy ! For members all year round and for the whole body in summer... Head to the shower 🚿! A very powerful jet of water and we gradually peel off the product that has dried, it re-moistens and "falls" effortlessly, and the action of the water completes the treatment to perfection. If, on the other hand, you want to remove a pose done on the body in winter then we will avoid getting our scrunchies wet in sensitive areas. In this case, a cap type brush or magic brush and a little elbow grease, all you have to do is rub to get rid of the clay 🧹

HOW OFTEN ? A real routine of one treatment per day during intense periods to one per week during cooler periods can be established. The feeling of dependence is not created here, no stress, it can be abused! 💖

4. Which one to choose? #YenATropChezOhlala! ⚖️

- The classics"

A real Must Have that we must have in our grooming bags for the perfect little owner . Afterwards it's a question of taste 😛 We advise you to test several to find out if you like to apply them wetter or drier, and especially which ones are the most effective on your horses. For this, there are packaging in small packages to carry out all your tests! 📦

- “Localized” ones (e.g. knobs, feet, etc.)

For well- targeted treatment, a large game is there to support you 🎯

Need to care for the feet of your horses, whose condition is compromised due to seasonal changes? Hoof Clay from Alodis Care or Natural'Must from Natural'Innov are two poultices that are easy to apply and remove on their own. We pose, then we let it happen! 🦶

For the wheels? Our favorite 💓 isGun Tare from Alodis Care , based on Basic essential oil, pain is quickly relieved and the effect is visible from the first application 🌱

You will have understood, clay is the rider's ally, and the well-being companion of our horses, a good gesture to include in your routine at the stables 🙈

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