Les produits Leovet indispensables pour la saison ! ☀️

The essential Leovet products for the season! ☀️

In summer, our horses are heavily exposed throughout the day to UV rays and to the horrible insects that appear as soon as the sun returns 😰🪰 To help you face this season in the best possible way, here is a selection of essential Leovet products to use to best protect our little ones 🙌 ☀️
Happy Mother's Day - What gift to give her? 💝 Reading The essential Leovet products for the season! ☀️ 3 minutes Next Welcome Samshield 🤩🔥

Summer, our horses are heavily exposed throughout the day to UV and to the awful insects which make their appearance from the return of the sun 😰🪰 To help you face this season in the best possible way, here is a selection of essential Leovet products to use to best protect our little ones 🙌 ☀️


Your horse shake your head during the session, he cannot bear to be approach by the insects ruffles? Don't panic, we have the same ones at home!

For the remove as much as possible, we “pchit-pchit” the Tam Tam Vet anti-insect spray - Leovet ⚡️ One duration of action 4 times longer that certain products thanks to homogenization and its composition in geranium oils and in eucalyptus citriodora 🌈

And for the the most fearful horses who cannot tolerate liquid products, you can opt for the Power Phaser anti-insect gel - Leovet 🔥 An easy repellent to apply using its sponge supplied with the product 🙌

Say goodbye to flies, mosquitoes, horseflies, ticks and other flying insects 🚫


Ouch, ouch, ouch, dermatitis is back and our ponies' hair is back on fire again 🙈

To reduce itching and regulate our equine's sebaceous glands , we use anti-itch tea tree shampoo - Leovet 🧼 It will help prevent obstruction of pores , particularly at the location of the saddle and restore shine to the hair 🌟

To treat your little one's skin , go for the organic anti-itch oil for the skin Bio Skin - Leovet ❤️ Its base with organic oils of calendula, carrot and St. John's wort will strengthen and regenerate the skin effectively while stimulating regrowth hair 🤩 Liquid biosulfide will reduce itching and friction 💪

Thanks to these 2 products, you will FINALLY regain your horse's magnificent hair ! 🙌


For horses who spend a large part of their time outdoors , exposed to the sun , it is important to protect them against UV rays 🌞 To do this, it's very simple, just add Shampoo to your daily shower routine. anti-UV with chamomile - Leovet 🧽

Based on natural pigments, it improves the shine , vitality and luminosity of the color while smoothing the hair fibers 🛁 A more supple hair , easy to brush and protected 🥰

➡️ And you, what are your favorite products to fight against insects? 😍

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