Choisir son mors: Les différents types de mors et leurs effets

Choosing your bit: The different types of bits and their effects

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Although bitless riding is in fashion, many riders still use the bit to work their horses. Continuing from our previous article, it was also necessary to present to you the most common types of bits as well as their actions.

Two rings or single jaws :

This is the most classic bit. It is used on all types of horses .
The effect of the bit will be more or less intense depending on the thickness of the barrels. The thinner it is, the more “severe” it will be.

Olives :

The olive bit is also a very classic bit, used most often for sensitive horses that easily injure the corners of the lips.

Needles and verdun :

The needle bit and the verdun bit are known for their framing and often used for young horses . They also prevent possible pinching at the corners of the lips .

Baucher :

The baucher is a harder bit than the previous bits. It is a bit known for its slight leverage effect, thus allowing a yielding of the neck .

Pessoa :

The Pessoa bits have the effect of helping the rider to place a horse higher , putting all its weight on the shoulders . The bit is more or less hard depending on the placement of the reins on the rings. The lower the rein is placed , the stronger the action will be. It can also be used with 2 pairs of reins or wedding rings .

Pelham :

The Pelham bit is very well known for horses with a lot of strength and blood . Indeed, it can help control the horse . It has leverage, lowering on the bottom ring, slightly raising on the main ring . A Pelham bit with long shanks will have greater leverage. It can be equipped with a curb chain to adjust the intensity of the effect . Like the pessoa, it can also be used with 2 pairs of reins or wedding rings.

Reliever :

Releveur bits are used on horses with a balance on the shoulders and who tend to lean heavily on the rider's hand . It has the particularity of being mounted on specific uprights ( lifter uprights ) in order to ensure its proper use.

The bridle bit :

It comes with a simple snaffle bit to work more precisely . Not to be placed in inexperienced hands.

Hackamore :

This bit does not act on the horse's mouth but on the muzzle. It has leverage thanks to its branches. The hackamore is often used for fairly delicate horses in need of tension . The intensity of this leverage effect will be given by the length of the branches, the longer the branches, the more severe the Hackamore will be .

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